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181461-181480 of all 182,240 gems.
181,461271smp_toolA library to work with the Elektronika MK90 volume images
181,461271tinc_scannerProvides a Tinc scanner that attempts to determine the protocol version used and the re...
181,461271fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-statsfluentd plugin to generate elasticsearch cluster stats events.
181,461271my_fluentd_pluginA Ruby gem for extending Fluentd functionality.
181,461271pass_keywordAdd this gem to verbosely mark places as passed.
181,461271RegistrationUsing ruby gems into Robot framework
181,461271shared_packageA shared package containing feature files for easy integration into Ruby BDD projects.
181,461271foreman_cve_scannerRun CVE scan on host and collect report
181,469270huukhoa_testtest test
181,469270fortunecookieA simple ruby wrapper around gnu fortune.
181,469270hexlet_codeThis gem takes care of tasks that would normally require writing a lot of boilerplate c...
181,469270supersetA Ruby Client for Apache Superset API
181,469270state_machine_updated_for_ruby_3_2Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
181,469270celularazulA longer description of your gem
181,475269apicraft-rails🚀 Accelerates your development by 2-3x with an API Design First approach. Seamlessly in...
181,475269validates_identity-pe_dniValidates Peru DNI Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
181,475269tgglTggl client for Ruby
181,475269dry-transaction-extraaaDry::Transaction comes with a limited set of steps. This gem defines a few more steps...
181,475269phantasmaRuby Phantasma API library
181,475269metafora gem that takes complex concepts and finds great analogies/metaphors to digest the info