Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181421-181440 of all 182,276 gems.
181,419279wirResize and compress the image via command-line interface.
181,419279tibberA Ruby wrapper for the Tibber APIs (readonly)
181,419279JotBookWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,419279kaigyokaigyo is a sql formatter
181,419279polidefPolidef is a convience API for managing complex and potentially stateful conditionals t...
181,419279tea-tictactoeA simple tictactoe game gem to play in your terminal
181,427278slapiSloppy api client for ruby
181,427278argus-rubyThis is the official Ruby library for the ARGUS Engine, this library helps Ruby develo...
181,427278enum_local_i18nHelp I18n to work fine with ActiveRecord::Enum feature
181,427278git-smart-ngInstalls some additional 'smart' git commands, like `git smart-pull`.
181,427278composable-clientComposable Client provides CURD operations for a REST API
181,427278policygenPolicygen makes it easy to generate privacy policies, terms of service, and cookie poli...
181,427278cuscuzWIP: summary
181,427278khoa_air1test test
181,435277goteamupRuby wrapper around the GoTeamup API.
181,435277policierThe policier
181,435277tipi-markupTipi is a lightweight authoring markup language.
181,435277decidim-themeConfigurable theme for decidim 0.26
181,435277dexter_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby To Palindrome detector
181,435277chime-s2sThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.