Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181481-181500 of all 182,240 gems.
181,475269rspec-activesupportRSpec matcher for ActiveSupport test assertions
181,475269llmsherpaClient for the nlm-ingestor server
181,475269pushy_notifierThis gem provides a simple interface to send push notifications via the Pushy service.
181,484268custom-adalWindows Azure Active Directory authentication client library
181,484268distrib-coreCore classes for rspec-distrib and cucumber-distrib
181,484268linkedlist_toolkitGem including LinkedList class implemenation and useful toolkit functions
181,484268ask_itA rails gem to enable surveys in your application as easy as possible
181,484268res_cliA command-line interface (CLI) to manage ResilientDB and Python SDK instances.
181,484268ssb-holaA simple hello world gem
181,484268blog_engineA Blog Post Engine.
181,484268turbo-ui-railsUI components for Rails using Turbo.
181,484268redfin_as_dataframeHomeownership and purchase metrics published by Redfin
181,484268i18n_on_steroidsA Ruby gem that enhances I18n functionality with advanced interpolation and piping feat...
181,484268beeline_iotBeeline IoT M2M
181,495267ciccio_testTrying out building gems
181,495267echo_apiEchoAPI is a Ruby gem designed to simplify the process of mocking and simulating extern...
181,495267changelog-cliA simple tool to add/modify lines to changelogs
181,495267rails_cliRails CLI gem simplifies the initiation of Rails projects by offering a guided interfac...
181,499266ranjith_sample_gem1This gem provides a set of functionalities (describe the functionalities here) designed...
181,499266flog-lspLSP for providing flog metrics in the editor