Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181481-181500 of all 183,139 gems.
181,475374api_recordWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,475374publishing_platform_sidekiqProvides standard setup and behaviour for Sidekiq in Publishing Platform applications.
181,483373idi_captcha_generatorThe idi_captcha_generator gem provides a customizable CAPTCHA solution tailored for hig...
181,483373fastlane-plugin-privatexcframeworkpackagingGenerate a Swift package using the XCFramework uploaded to the Release assets of a priv...
181,483373gemcalculatorIt's a simple calculator.
181,483373vitess-activerecord-migrationVitess::Activerecord::Migration provides tools to integrate Vitess with ActiveRecord mi...
181,483373loxbyLoxby is written following the first half of Robert Nystrom's wonderful web-format book...
181,483373stimul8All the advantages of client-side components, but with minimal Javascript plus server-s...
181,483373rails_dashboardReal-time performance dashboard with metrics and insights for Rails
181,490372imap_moguraA mail filtering tool for IMAP.
181,490372quake-log-parserRuby gem for quake log parsing
181,490372fastlane-plugin-appstore_reviewsPlugin to retrieve customer reviews for the app
181,490372mirrSetting mirror for linux distro, ruby gems, docker and more
181,490372openapi3_invokerThis gem builds off of openapi3_parser to simplify invoking OpenAPI 3.0 operations.
181,490372logs_mainoRepositório responsavel por salvar logs de um sistema
181,490372jekyll_file_wizardJekyllFileWizard is a comprehensive gem designed to streamline the management and dynam...
181,497371temp_tableYou can create temporary tables using this gem to store data temporarily until the user...
181,497371podrbMinimalist CLI to manage podcasts
181,497371scnr-introspectorRack application security scanner built around the SCNR::Engine.
181,497371avo-audit_loggingVisit to get more information about this gem.