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181501-181520 of all 183,139 gems.
181,497371huginn_port_status_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,497371avo-auditsVisit to get more information about this gem.
181,503370mooroWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,503370opentelemetry-exporter-gcp-tracePlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem opentelemetry-exporter-gcp-trace. This p...
181,503370salesforce_authA gem for you get API access token from Salesforce
181,503370heartbeat_monitorDesigned to run within a protected network that external monitoring systems do not have...
181,503370sqlbibleLibrary for bibles as SQLite databases
181,503370kickplan-sdkKickplan lets you monetize your SaaS app by providing billing, feature access and autho...
181,503370rprec`RPrec` is an implementation of operator-precedence parsing. The operator-precedence pa...
181,503370huginn_discord_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,511369state_by_zipFind US state by ZIP code
181,511369ganesh_first_gemsimply for the testing gem
181,511369cribbage_gameTwo player cribbage card game
181,511369jets-proClient Library works with Jets Pro API for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework
181,511369lesli_helpTicket Management System for the Lesli Framework
181,511369validates_identity-cl_rutValidates Chile RUT Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
181,511369backpack_uiUI components for StrongMind applications.
181,518368hola_premA simple hello world gem
181,518368upm_supportProvides tools for supporting UPM.
181,518368Rubymon_FireRedSmall Ruby game project made with 'The Pragmatic Studio' Ruby course