Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181501-181520 of all 182,240 gems.
181,499266rspec-distribRSpec extension for distributed running of specs from a queue.
181,499266worlds-terminalA command-line interface for Worlds, a text-based world simulation and role-playing gam...
181,499266jammJamm help you make payment without credit cards
181,499266resque_supervised_forkThis gem namespace is reserved by
181,499266velmaMarkup language for describing the layout of event venues
181,499266schleuder-cliSchleuder-cli enables creating, configuring, and deleting schleuder-lists, subscription...
181,499266cvgemA CV generation gem
181,508265rspec-networkingRSpec matchers for IP and MAC Addresses
181,508265nba-player-apiGets basic NBA player data from
181,508265hash_key_renamerename hash keys by more pretty syntax
181,508265higem2hi gem with ruby version 2.x
181,512264wework-nextRuby API wrapper for wechat work「企业微信」
181,512264rabbit-slide-hasumikin-OsakaRubyKaigi04Presentation slide for 大阪Ruby会議04
181,512264super_jim_serviceCool service.
181,515263specs-sdkJust for Validating
181,515263sequential_jobsThis gem namespace is reserved by
181,515263sigtSignature Types
181,518262multi_dbs_load_balancerrails multiple databases load balancer
181,518262jekyll-autoprefixer-v2This plugin provides simple autoprefixer support for Jekyll.
181,518262anusanus gem.