Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181721-181740 of all 182,276 gems.
181,715237gitlab-backup-cliGitLab Backup CLI
181,715237mytestdslA simple hello world gem
181,724236pyruA Ruby gem that provides a Pyru-friendly interface for Ruby libraries.
181,724236sevgi-standardToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
181,724236sevgi-showcaseToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
181,724236jekyll-asset-path-tag-pluginIt's... mesmerizing.
181,724236embulk-input-trinoTrino input plugin for Embulk loads records from Trino using trino-client.
181,724236teagemsTeagems is a Ruby gem that provides an interface for managing gems.
181,730235CAFE_verillbanFile to Clipboard gem
181,730235mt_racketRuby Gem for reading and writing raw packets
181,730235lazy_railsLazy developers will rule the world.
181,730235railnrollFixtures created by active record models
181,730235hotwire_reactHotwireReact integrates React into Rails 7 apps and allows you to combine the power of ...
181,735234jekyll-apple-mapsProvides tags for the Jekyll blogging engine to generate Apple Maps content for your site.
181,735234monerorequestRuby Implementation of the Monero Payment Request Standard.
181,735234hanami-dbThe database layer for Hanami apps
181,735234tally_jobsCollect all params of the same jobs within an interval time then enqueue that job only ...
181,739233amstrad_gptConnects over RS232, supports response streaming
181,739233studio_game_eduGame created in Pragmatic Studio Ruby Class