Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181741-181760 of all 182,276 gems.
181,739233simple-printerSimple::Printer makes it easier to print objects.
181,739233domweighertool to find the heavy DOM nodes
181,739233sevgi-geometryToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
181,739233test-input-opensearchOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
181,745232kanayagoTrying to Make Ruby's Parser Available as a Gem
181,745232tw_validationCommon usage for Taiwan validation
181,745232string_toolkitExtends the Ruby String class with useful methods
181,745232space_shoesAn implementation of the Shoes GUI library in embedded HTML, and using HTML and Wasm ge...
181,745232glydevkitThe Glycoscience Development Kit (GlyDevKit) is a JRuby library for glycaninformatics
181,750231initialize-withAdds some utility class methods to simplify some common Ruby patterns
181,750231slashcodeslashcode: The language based on the slash
181,750231studio_game_bswiftThis is a game gem from the Pragmatic Studio Ruby Course
181,750231sports_apiSports API gem to get data from diverse sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, etc.
181,750231ch_studio_gamesimple command line game
181,750231loc_marcLibrary of Congress MARC 21 / MODS / MADS parser
181,756230publishing_platform_rubocopShared RuboCop rules for publishing platform Ruby projects.
181,756230cisa-kevA simple Ruby library for parsing the CISA KEV (Known Exploited Vulnerabilities) catalog
181,756230select2-bootstrap-railsSelect2, a jQuery-based substitute for select boxes, offers features such as search fun...
181,756230donatelloDonatello is a Ruby gem for effortlessly applying YAML-defined serialization schemas to...
181,760229puma-status-forkedCommand-line tool for puma to display information about running request/process. We hav...