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181741-181760 of all 183,139 gems.
181,739340share_withModel and build up sharing links from yaml files to HTML code.
181,739340googscrapegoogle image marquee scraper.
181,739340tailwind_ui_view_componentsTailwind UI View Components for Rails
181,739340serverless-vpnA Modern Serverless VPN
181,739340oracle_db_script_producerSQL script tool that can programmatically create create, insert, update, delete, trunc ...
181,746339raihaSuper wip.
181,746339xrxr gem is a domain specific language for the regular expression (Regexp) like the rx pa...
181,746339hbsdctl.rbRuby bindings for libhbsdcontrol
181,746339RubyGems-deployRubyGems-deploy is a versatile tool crafted to streamline the deployment process of Rub...
181,746339interfacedModule that providers Java-like interfaces for Ruby. It lets you define a set a met...
181,746339decidim-spam_signalSpam signal module for Decidim.
181,746339configuratrixConcisely, flexibly, and safely declare the interface to a script with a Configurat...
181,746339microgradRuby implementation of karpathy/micrograd
181,746339ruby_arithmeticPerform arithmetic operations easily using inbuild function
181,755338codefly-sdk10x your development with codefly.
181,755338wineskillsWineskills: all the best wines
181,755338iouio_uring for Ruby
181,755338sort_inGem to be sorted in the order specified in the in clause
181,755338super_templateSQL Template for Ruby
181,755338hola_ttkfirst gem of mine