Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181961-181980 of all 182,288 gems.
181,957189jslinting-railsLint and format JavaScript in Rails with eslint and prettier
181,957189simd_string_upcaseA SIMD-optimized replacement for Ruby's String#length method for x86_64 architectures
181,957189singledevSingle dev
181,964188malware_dbThis is just a malware-database.
181,964188google-apis-merchantapi_inventories_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Merchant API InventoriesV1beta. Simple REST clients ...
181,964188mahis_his_emr_api_labThis adds a lab interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by [HIS-EMR-API](...
181,964188lyrics_searchRetrieve lyrics with the ChartLyrics API
181,964188libguibHelper library for the Fox GUI builder
181,964188normal_attachmentIgnores all styles and compatibility with paperclip
181,971187faraday-net-http2Faraday adapter for NetHttp2
181,971187google-apis-merchantapi_promotions_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Merchant API PromotionsV1beta. Simple REST clients a...
181,971187interactor-stopwatchStopwatch is a miniature Interactor extension that is watching the clock. It is a simpl...
181,971187google-apis-merchantapi_notifications_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Merchant API NotificationsV1beta. Simple REST client...
181,977186bottyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,977186puppet-editor-servicesA ruby based implementation of a Language Server and Debug Server for the Puppet Langua...
181,977186multisafepay-api-rubyUnofficial MultiSafePay API Client for Ruby. Simplifies integrating with the MultiSafeP...
181,977186google-apis-merchantapi_datasources_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Merchant API DatasourcesV1beta. Simple REST clients ...