Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181921-181940 of all 182,288 gems.
181,917197test-gem-publishA simple Hello World gem for demonstration purposes
181,917197view_component_attributesConcerns to help manage attributes in View Components
181,923196dump_cleanerDeterministically anonymizes data in logical database dumps. Useful for importing (anon...
181,923196omniauth-figma-oauth2Figma OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
181,923196referral_codesReferral codes for Ruby on Rails applications
181,923196ddr_clientDuke Digital Repository API client generated by swagger-codegen (
181,927195fluent-plugin-rabbitmq-pbkfluent plugin for rabbitmq (AMQP)
181,927195oidcOpenID Connect (OIDC) Server & Client Library
181,927195Han-themeA longer description of my_gem
181,927195simple_auth_sdkSimpleAuthSdk is a Ruby gem that provides simple authentication mechanisms and tools fo...
181,927195ocpiOffers a standard interface for OCPI roaming services for EV, charging locations and pr...
181,932194isekaixA placeholder gem for isekaix
181,932194video_url_getvideourl get
181,932194ocppOCPP gem which allows communication with EV chargers following the standards
181,932194jekyll-theme-bluJekyll theme for the Bristol Ladies Union site.
181,936193entra_id_active_record_session_storeA subclass of Active Record Session Store that tracks sessionindexes for single logout.
181,936193minitest-spec-converterA gem to convert Minitest unit tests to spec style
181,936193foxguibGUI builder for the Fox toolkit written in Ruby.
181,936193cocoapods-playon-networkCocoapods plugin used to setup the PLAYON Network SDK for iOS