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182001-182020 of all 182,288 gems.
181,991184FbRubyLibrary ini di gunakan untuk scraping web facebook
181,991184json2form"This gem provides functionality to convert a JSON object into HTML form. It can hand...
181,991184fluentd-openlineage-parserFluentd parser that validates if JSON is a valid Openlineage event.
181,991184petstore-test-sdkuse for testing
181,991184dotissue-sdkthis is testing
181,991184ruzbxThe library is under development
182,007183gitlab-duo-workflow-service-clientClient library to interact with the Duo Workflow Service
182,007183atv-railsGem to provide ATV for rails
182,007183nitro_railsComing Soon
182,010182color_pencilYou can change the color of terminal text.
182,010182native_rubyStandard library for Ruby in ruby, taking the advantage of YJIT compiler
182,010182mplightThis a a very small (<300 loc) library for writing and reading MessagePack data.
182,010182snap_notifyThis gem allows for configuring custom messaging to CI webhoooks for CircleCI Workflow ...
182,010182chinese_number_converterConvert number in chinese character, including chinese character aliases, to number.
182,010182slithernix-cdkThis gem provides a Ruby port of the CDK (Curses Development Kit) library, fixed for co...
182,010182repeat_testYou can repeat tests you specified.
182,010182studio_game_2024_jnA randomized multiplayer adventure game
182,010182uk_postcode-geocodePlaceholder gem to reserve name before release