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Most downloads over all time
182041-182060 of all 182,276 gems.
182,041176effectiveeffictive date management for ruby
182,041176chime-krangThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
182,041176activellmActiveLLM: Integrate Large Language Models with Rails
182,041176unsafeunsafe {} blocks. Just like in Rust
182,041176subskribe_dev2Ruby Gem for Subskribe API
182,041176municipitaly2Codes (postal, istat, cadastrian, ...) about Italian subdivisions and municipalities in...
182,047175lokalRuby Gem for interacting with Lokal Client REST API, Lokal Client installation area req...
182,047175billabearThe REST API provided by BillaBear
182,047175fastlane-plugin-create_remote_config_release_packageCreates a Remote Config release package
182,047175db-active_recordAsynchronous database adapters for ActiveRecord.
182,047175publishing_platform_schemasGem to work with the Publishing Platform content schemas
182,047175libsql_rubyRuby driver for libSQL.
182,047175fluent-calculatorA simple calculator that uses fluent syntax
182,054174arabic-wordifyArabic-Wordify is a Ruby gem designed to convert Arabic numbers (integers) into their w...
182,054174Robo-knowledge-web-themeA Theme For general bolgs and knowledge sharing,you can use it to write your own blog
182,054174date_calculatorThis gem allows you to calculate the difference between dates, add days, and check if a...
182,054174persisted_attributesAdd persisted fields to active record models without migrations.
182,054174rushboy_hiWrite a longer description or delete this line.
182,054174s3-lightAn S3 client that is lightweight, super fast and easy to use.