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182041-182060 of all 183,139 gems.
182,041296huukhoa_testtest test
182,041296async-promiseAn Asynchronous Promise library for Ruby, built over the "async" gem, providing Javascr...
182,041296anusanus gem.
182,041296google-cloud-configPlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-config. This placeholder is...
182,045295ciccio_testTrying out building gems
182,045295puppet-module-posix-dev-rpoc by @gopal_ethical
182,045295solidus_promotionsNew promotion system for Solidus
182,045295ranjith_sample_gem1This gem provides a set of functionalities (describe the functionalities here) designed...
182,045295wework-nextRuby API wrapper for wechat work「企业微信」
182,045295acts_as_trackableActsAsTrackable is designed to simplify the process of tracking database object activit...
182,045295sigtSignature Types
182,045295oldfixversionThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
182,054294linkedlist_toolkitGem including LinkedList class implemenation and useful toolkit functions
182,054294climate_pledgeA client for Climate Pledge data
182,054294metaschemaParser and generator for NIST Metaschema
182,054294theElementsThis is a table of the elements.
182,054294huginn_xeggex_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
182,054294velmaMarkup language for describing the layout of event venues
182,054294hash_key_renamerename hash keys by more pretty syntax