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181901-181920 of all 182,288 gems.
181,901204gem_for_gfgThis gem provides a method to say hello, demonstrating basic gem creation.
181,903203wordle_gameThis library allows you to play a Wordle-like game with customizable word lengths.
181,903203drivenDriven is a Framework heavily inspired by Domain Driven Design, CQRS and Event Driven ...
181,905202qstashA Ruby client for the QStash API
181,905202word_tallyOutput a tally of the number of times unique words appear in file or stdin source.
181,905202configuristLets you attach persisted settings hierarchies defined by JSONSchema to arbitrary Rails...
181,908201solaraSolara is a Ruby library that simplifies the management of white label apps for Flutter...
181,908201project-krangThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,910200staticky-filesBetter file management with adapters for testing and production
181,910200merge_attributesMerge hashes as HTML attributes, accounting for the specifics of `class`,`data-controll...
181,912199avo-diff_fieldDiff field for Avo.
181,912199puppet-lint-stdlib_deprecationsHelps to detect deprecated, removed and non-namespaced puppetlabs-stdlib functions and ...
181,914198phlex-remixiconRemix Icon for Phlex
181,914198comparable-reverseReverse sort order of `it` in a block with `Reverse[it]`.
181,914198passbook2This gem allows you to create Apple Passbook files.
181,917197puppet-module-win-default-rpoc by @gopal_ethical
181,917197gem_enforcerProvide the ability to validate targetted gems are up to date before executing commands
181,917197foreman_opennebulaProvision and manage OpenNebula VMs from Foreman
181,917197dunkelziffer_gem_testExample description