Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181981-182000 of all 182,288 gems.
181,977186kybus-cliA CLI tool to help initialize and manage Kybus projects, supporting various database ad...
181,977186ruby_kafka_retryThe RubyKafkaRetry gem provides a mechanism to handle message retries and dead-letter q...
181,983185gitlab-cloud-connectorThis gem provides common CloudConnector configuration and libraries for GitLab projects.}
181,983185vagrant-scp-syncCopy files to a Vagrant VM via SCP.
181,983185linketysplitSDK for interactiong with LinketySplit
181,983185google-apis-authorizedbuyersmarketplace_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for Authorized Buyers Marketplace API V1alpha. Simple RE...
181,983185rubidiFribidi bindings for Ruby
181,983185google-apis-adsenseplatform_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for AdSense Platform API V1alpha. Simple REST clients ar...
181,983185pair-kit-json-schema-dslThis gem helps to build JSON schemas
181,991184code0-identitiesLibrary to manage external identities
181,991184google-apis-merchantapi_reports_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Merchant API ReportsV1beta. Simple REST clients are ...
181,991184sbmt-stranglerUtility for strangler pattern
181,991184xmorph-newMorphs things from one kind to another. Transcodes, in local speak, for example.
181,991184pair-kit-miniflectorThis is minimalistic inflector. It allows Pair Kit to be an independent library
181,991184building_sync_railsBuildingSync on Rails.
181,991184CroemincRubyGemTO_DO: Write a longer description or delete this line.
181,991184iprog_string_utilsIprogStringUtils is a Ruby gem that provides a set of string manipulation utilities. Th...
181,991184flexible_filterProvides An interface for more flexible user specified filtering