Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182101-182120 of all 182,240 gems.
182,101159word_smithCommand-line tool for quick and easy English word lookup.
182,102158linode_openapi_clientOpenAPI Client for Linode API
182,102158agenticEasily build, manage, deploy, and run self-contained purpose-driven AI Agents.
182,102158spree_paypalProvides Paypal payment integration for spree
182,102158sql_injection_detectionThe sql_injection_detection gem provides a basic yet effective way to detect common SQL...
182,102158shanerThe gem will deal with string and array
182,102158smstools_apiSmstools API
182,102158render_kitA small library to allow claases to be rendered oike partials in Rails
182,102158sign_package_avishekThis gem prints Hello World!
182,102158holatestaneMalware Detection typo squatting case
182,111157imgcatDisplay an image on the terminal
182,111157wordnet_japan日本語 WordNet を Active Record 経由で検索できる
182,111157rekiReki is a CLI utility to run Rake tasks from anywhere, not just from the directory they...
182,111157fluent-plugin-nuopenlineage-lightFluentd parser that validates if JSON is a valid Openlineage event.
182,111157cnd_excel2yamlGem lib convert exell file to yaml
182,111157trinsic_connectTrinsic Connect
182,111157scotsmanA steam powered gem!
182,119156yaml_exporterA Ruby gem for YAML serialization and deserialization of ActiveRecord models with JSON ...
182,119156ffiec_as_dataframeCall report data from FFIEC