Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127761-127780 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920dot_rake_tasks_in_railsAdd rake tasks at "~/.rake/*" to your Rails project.
95,5920rails-extensionsWill update later with description/usage
95,5920hola_nedzadarekA simple hello world - gem
95,5920flammarionThe nifty Ruby gui toolkit. An easy to use gui toolkit built with scripting in mind.
95,5920hex_token_bot58token bot.
95,5920cryptogramEncrypt and decrypt strings with ease.
95,5920empowerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
95,5920emittanceA robust and flexible eventing library for Ruby.
95,5920fitbarkWrapper for FitBark API: It provides simple methods to handle authorization and to exec...
95,5920interage-queryClasses to encapsulate queries
95,5920erikaGenerate Slideshow video from images using single command with animationIts simple to u...
95,5920impastaA test spy that can impersonate a given class and/or track methods passed to it.
95,5920diathekeThis library is a wrapper of the diatheke command-line client of the sword project.
95,5920rokakiA dsl for filtering data in web requests
95,5920eye-hipchatEye to hipchat notification
95,5920ruboty-aunruboty plugin for binary handler.
95,5920selenium-dslSimple DSL for Selenium
95,5920simple-statisticsDSL for statistics
95,5920eb-docker-deploydeploy with docker and aws eb
95,5920rubyduckRubyDuck is a Ruby library for interacting with DuckDuckGo ( https://duckduckgo.com/ ).