Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127781-127800 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920ruby_extRuby Extensions
95,5920jekyll-cdnJekyll CDN support smooth as butter
95,5920da_beatA really simple clock/ticker to provide controlled time in simulations
95,5920rhet-butlerRhet Butler is a presentation assistant. Build a slide deck in simple YAML, design it...
95,5920code_driven_developmentAutomatically generate stubby tests from your implementation.
95,5920scalr_api_v2provides a connection to scalr and a non exhuastive list of api calls as methods.
95,5920gctrackThis gem can be used to track Ruby GC tracepoints that are normally only visible throug...
95,5920igdb_clientA Client for the Internet Game Database
95,5920couch_tapCouch Tap provides a DSL that allows complex CouchDB documents to be converted into row...
95,5920fog-zjOpenStack fog provider gem.
95,5920reoxA simple stream logger library
95,5920spree_mallsAdmin can manage mall price and currency informations.
95,5920rogue_oneA rogue DNS detector
95,5920saas_paymentsManage plans for your SAAS app
95,5920record_diffReconciles items
95,5920dfeojmSee http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com
95,5920devise_deactivatableDeactivate support for Devise.
95,5920jekyll-boldFormat specified keywords bold
95,5920bongabdoGregorian date to Bongabdo converter.
95,5920tbuck14_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector