Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127841-127860 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800radiant-settings-extensionAllows users to edit the details of the config table.
102,5800a50Write a longer description or delete this line.
102,5800rawmidiRuby FFI binding for ALSA RawMIDI
102,5800smart_adminMakes you install, faster, smarter, more maintainable
102,5800replicatorEasy Postgres replication for Rails
102,5800sinatra-formhelpers-huiiSimple, lightweight form helpers for Sinatra.
102,5800redshift-connectorredshift-connector is a bulk data connector for Rails (ActiveRecord).
102,5800visfleet-pipeline_toolkitToolkit for building processing pipelines using Unix Pipes and AMQP messages
102,5800net-http-localNet::HTTP::Local binds Net::HTTP requests to a local address and ...
102,5800omniauth-scientistOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Scientist.
102,5800rb_facebookProvides a simple way to access all methods of the facebook REST and Graph APIs. (c)20...
102,5800sluggable_ryanThe best sluggable gem ever
102,5800tag_anacondaThis friendly anaconda gives you tags in your Rails app.
102,5800rs_yettingsYettings uses encrypted YML files that allow you to safely store sensitive configuratio...
102,5800aes_keeperEncrypt data to strings via AES 256bit encryption. Database string safe.
102,5800myfinanceA Ruby client for the Myfinance REST API: https://financeiro.fintera.com.br/docs/api
102,5800omniauth-hellosignHelloSign OAuth 2.0 strategy for OmniAuth.
102,5800pingdom-faradayPingdom Ruby Client
102,5800propeller_railsBootstrap Material Design Propeller Kit for Rails