Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134421-134440 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800say_hiWelcome note.
102,5800quick_bloxQuickblox ruby sdk.
102,5800riaction_genieEngine to manually trigger IActionable events
102,5800xenapi-rubyA simple gem to deal with Xen API
102,5800okta_samlThe okta_saml gem helps Ruby on Rails applications communicate with Okta
102,5800sorted-mongoidAdds Mongoid support to [sorted](https://github.com/mynameisrufus/sorted). Allows you t...
102,5800sgsmsThis gem sends sms via SMSGlobal's http api
102,5800super_test_gemUse for vote
102,5800abebooks4rAbebooks is a service to buy and sell new and used books online. abebooks4r provides h...
102,5800net-smtp-proxyProxy support for Ruby's Net::SMTP library.
102,5800rovincoolSample description
102,5800red_baseRedBase is a ruby on rails engine which provides a very basic web application to use wi...
102,5800asciidoctor-youtubeAn Asciidoctor extension for YouTube
102,5800socialHub_httpUtilityhttpUtility that provides us to make getHttp request and post http Requests with headers
102,5800resque-picky_workerResque worker that evaluates queues and chooses which one to pull jobs from
102,5800sshcoinDecentralized hosting for autonomous applications
102,5800nokogiri-backupifyNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
102,5800tfe-cache-moneyCache utilities.