Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134481-134500 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800omniauth-younilityOmniAuth strategy for Younility.
102,5800qmRuby port of QMachine web service + in-progress client
102,5800quickftpQuickftp is an in-place ftp server
102,5800acxiomWrapper for Acxiom API.
102,5800playthingBlast raw PCM audio through your speakers using OpenAL.
102,5800partial_datepartial_date description
102,5800shredderShred a file into file fragments, and join fragments back into a restored file.
102,5800nativegapBuild native apps for all major platforms from your Rails applications.
102,5800trollmeThis gem let's you change the desktop background from your colleagues. Perfect for trol...
102,5800pundit_loggerPundit is a lightweight authorization gem. But, in complex Rails apps, it can be diffic...
102,5800tdreyno-middlemanA static site generator utilizing Haml and Sass
102,5800social_stream-documentsSocial Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
102,5800salesforce_client_appThis gem aims for the example of Sencha app.
102,5800vagrant-vm-infoPlugin to get detailed VM info from Vagrant
102,5800andhapp-playersPlayers - Photoshop Layers
102,5800satzFramework for JSON microservices
102,5800pelitaPelita is a configurable glue microframework for building API in ruby that focus in sim...
102,5800activerecord-implicit-orderImplicit Order for ActiveRecord
102,5800repofetchA plugin-based tool to fetch stats, with a GitHub stat fetcher included by default