Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137801-137820 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380assistorSimple background processing framework for Ruby
129,5380camlsCreate classes from your YAMLs.
129,5380bootstrappersBootstrappers is the base Rails application using Bootstrap template and other goodies.
129,5380worldtimeengineA Ruby wrapper for the WorldTimeEngine.com API.
129,5380EZAccountsEasy authentication and registering of accounts. MD5 encrpyted too.
129,5380djsun-mongo_mapperModel your domain, store it in MongoDB
129,5380efficient_joinVery fast and memory-efficient way to join ruby lists of numbers and strings.
129,5380factory_girl_apiA Rails engine for mainpulating factories via API
129,5380active_model_type_validatorActiveModel validators that validate the type of attributes, and that do recursive vali...
129,5380webpacker-manifest_s3Webpacker extention to load manifest file from s3
129,5380completeness_modelCalculates the Completeness of Rails Model Attributes
129,5380dhall-railsUse Dhall everywhere a Rails app might use YAML
129,5380annyang_railsQuickly add speech recognition to your Rails 3.1+ app via asset pipeline!
129,5380wagn-devsupport gem for developing Wagn mods
129,5380trussTruss is a Rack based framework that creates Rack endpoints with a nice DSL
129,5380engineyard-themeView helpers 'header' and 'footer', along with an assets generator to make any site loo...
129,5380chef-vault-retryRetry support for chef-vault
129,5380clumsyA clumsy tool for end-to-end proxy testing
129,5380cssdryer2Parses dry css files and generates conventional css
129,5380time_date_helpersThe initial version has only a few date and time helpers and was created primarily for ...