Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138261-138280 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731digest_hashUses MD5 to digest hashes, and deep sorts any arrays, as well as sorts the keys
110,9731belongs_to_versionedSimplify associations using vestal_versions or acts_as_versioned
110,9731fog-aws-dynamodb-lockeran attempt to leverage DynamoDB as an HA lock store
110,9731liquidityThis gem adds a "column_sort" method to the Array class.
110,9731miriamrguezEsta gema no hace nada
110,9731guard-i18n-jsonGuard::I18nJson automatically exports your I18n translations as JSON files
110,9731snowplow-ruby-trackerThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
110,9731button_formbutton_form replaces all tags with in your forms
110,9731ruby-stylesGem containing the rubocop.yml config that corresponds to the implementation of the sty...
110,9731heaterA simple gem for interacting with heater.
110,9731brwy_railsUse watchify on development and compile with browserify at release
110,9731datalancheOfficial Ruby client for Datalanche.
110,9731neuroevoIMMEDIATE DEPRECATION WARNING: this gem has been deprecated. Please find the same func...
110,9731chatrThis gem is for my final project for UW Ruby Certificate course
110,9731leap_webLeap is the Leap Encryption Access Project. This is a framework for the web administrat...
110,9731rb-aes31rb-aes31 is a pure-Ruby library for generating and parsing AES31-2008-3 format Audio De...
110,9731clausewitz-spellingSpellchecker tool for Clausewitz engine files
110,9731alexgregianin-knock-knockGoogle Data Api ClientLogin Auth in Ruby
110,9731barchart_dataExtract data for all-time-highs, new-highs, new-lows and store. Generator for schema ...