Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141641-141660 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800rswaggerGenerate beautiful API documentation, including a UI to explore and test operations, di...
102,5800rubysl-ostructRuby standard library ostruct.
102,5800bedrock-capistrano-uploadsUploads tasks for roots/bedrock, using Capistrano 3.x
102,5800rubeepassRuby KeePass 2.x client. Currently it is read-only.
102,5800pago_efectivo_restREST client to connect with PagoEfectivo API
102,5800twigg-appTwigg provides stats for activity in Git repositories. This is the web-based interface.
102,5800onboardbaseUse Onboardbase in your Ruby projects
102,5800trixieCLI tool to fetch secrets in development
102,5800raoh_triggerProvide before_action and after_action class method
102,5800tabbySimple iTerm2 project environment setup.
102,5800zeroThe focus of this project is to provide small helpers for building web services without...
102,5800persistentTiny plug & play persistence layer for your Ruby objects
102,5800ticketsQuery train tickets info by 12306
102,5800open_lightingA ruby gem wrapper for the Open Lighting Architecture project
102,5800octopress-codefenceGenerate beautiful code snippets with advanced features on any Jekyll site.
102,5800rails_starterRails Starter
102,5800pairestHave you ever wanted a git pair utility but also care about your SSH keys? Then Pairest...
102,5800musicassetteWrite a longer description or delete this line.
102,5800tire_async_indexUpdate tire (elasticsearch) index async with Sidekiq or Resque