Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141661-141680 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800releasyReleasy helps to make Ruby application releases simpler, by creating and archiving sour...
102,5800rb_tagsA wrapper around ctags, with search for tag and open file if found.
102,5800ruboty-haiku_wo_yomeSearch users message from Slack and find haiku
102,5800scopes_for_associationsDefine very basic, commonly used scopes for ActiveRecord associations. E.g. if a Post m...
102,5800redmine-cliA simple command line interface for redmine for easy scripting
102,5800simple-polygonsSimple polygon classes. Development is being moved to ultra_polygons.
102,5800webrick-route_servletWEBrick::RouteServlet is like a Rails routes.rb.
102,5800ruledmake models limited.
102,5800poker_handsSample app to play poker
102,5800tranzito_utilsRuby gem contain several modules mainly containing the helpers, concerns and services f...
102,5800windMy personal Ruby core extensions including a super fast buffered version of each_line.
102,5800wor-authenticationGem to add authentication to your application using JWT, with expirable, renewable and ...
102,5800octopress-code-highlighterOctopress's core plugin for rendering nice code blocks
102,5800ansifyA command-line tool to convert PNG images to ANSI escape codes.
102,5800remember_the_meetingGem that integrates against Exchange server and notifies you 15 minutes before meetings...
102,5800rakeupRakeUp provides a set of tasks to automate the management of a local Rack based web app...
102,5800artdecoDecorate models with views in a object oriented way
102,5800netprospex-rubyThe NetProspex API provides search and lookup for detailed information on people and co...
102,5800rtokboxGem for accessing the TokBox.com API.
102,5800revertible_paper_trailThis project adds undo/redo functionality to PaperTrail