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131681-131700 of all 182,301 gems.
131,6754,188alchemiaPlugin framework for building AltCSS in Ruby
131,6754,188docs-jekyll-themeA simple and pretty theme for documentations sites .
131,6754,188transparencia_alagoasThis Gem abstract the access to Portal da Transparencia de Alagoas Rest API, making pos...
131,6754,188radiant-heroku_dalli-extensionEnable Memcache with Dalli for Radiant CMS
131,6754,188spree_city_zonesAllows zones to be created by city
131,6754,188mechanize_rspecThis gem should be used when you test Mechanize offline
131,6754,188shomen-modelShomen defines a standard API documentaiton format for object-oriented software (Ruby p...
131,6754,188capistrano-telegram_notificationNotify Capistrano deployment to Telegram.
131,6754,188piplPipl's Ruby driver for the Pipl public API.
131,6754,188notethisA silly way to remind yourself to do tasks.
131,6754,188cocoapods-linklineA plug-in that can customize component dependencies, static libraries/dynamic libraries.
131,6754,188simple_temperatureConvert temperature between different units like Celsius, Kelvin and Fahrenheit.
131,6754,188kingpong-ruby-mcryptRuby bindings for libmcrypt
131,6754,188parseleyParsing library
131,6754,188time_keeperA simple gem to pass time in string format without dates and perform various useful ope...
131,6754,188anlexpressA Gem for Tracking ANL Express
131,6984,187npb_resultget npb result
131,6984,187reviRemove Vietnamese sign
131,6984,187the_adult_companyWrapper to The Adult Company API