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Most downloads over all time
131701-131720 of all 182,301 gems.
131,6984,187dynamic_attrsDynamic attributes for ActiveRecord!
131,6984,187optparsegenGenerate ruby optparse code from usage text.
131,6984,187semamoreRun commands conditionally depending on github PR changed files
131,6984,187asmccAsmCC is a command line tool to view the assembly or LLVM IR produced by clang for a gi...
131,6984,187data_portal_apiCB DataPortal API Clients
131,6984,187red_queryProvides DOM, Ajax, JSON functionality for Red. Heavy usage of jQuery.
131,6984,187distributed-mutexThis gem allows you to lock specific chunks of code based on a shared key. It's a Mutex...
131,6984,187regexp_union_hack_for_r186Regexp#union hack for Ruby-1.8.6..
131,6984,187multistripeA Stripe API Client, to support multiple API Keys.
131,6984,187pivotalrpx-bcms_feedsA BrowserCMS module which fetches, caches and displays RSS/Atom feeds
131,6984,187my_string_extend_koThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,6984,187greppyProvides more tools for array grepping
131,6984,187zairyoZairyo (材料 | zairyō) provides Natural Language Processing functionality for Materials M...
131,6984,187active_nothingA ruby gem inspired by a talk from Sandi Metz ( and Yehuda...
131,6984,187my_string_extend_pkThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,6984,187fluent-plugin-mysql_explainA Fluent filter plugin to execute EXPLAIN in mysql for a sql specified by the key
131,6984,187errship3-bootstrapErrship3 is a Rails 3.2 engine for rendering error pages inside your layout. It support...
131,6984,187mq_reporterDavid Cochran's CSS3 Media Query Reporter can be found at
131,6984,187railsquestmore awesomeness
131,6984,187pinnipedUse Pinniped to interact with the Application Programming Interface (API) for StrandedM...