Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
131821-131840 of all 182,301 gems.
131,8084,182plum-jekyllThemes for Jekyll
131,8084,182grouped_property_scss_linterPlugin for SCSS lint that lints the order of properties based on fuzzy groups
131,8084,182utilikiltPrototype your UI development using tools like HAML and SASS with your changes showing ...
131,8084,182kui-mda markdown engine which makes you to describe a graph with Graphviz and highlight codes
131,8084,182rblkidlibblkid ruby bindings
131,8084,182methodmissing_hiredisRuby extension that wraps Hiredis (blocking connection and reply parsing)
131,8084,182irate5 Star Ratings
131,8084,182regexhelperUse regular expressions with 'regexhelper.email_regex' etc.
131,8084,182boostedA very simple gem to generate a client side dynamic link_to_add and link_to_remove
131,8304,181minmb-hydea helper tool for constructing jekyll sites
131,8304,181hola_vanA simple hello world gem(van version).
131,8304,181my_string_extendrvbThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,8304,181x11_recorderThin wrapper around ffmpeg to record X11 displays
131,8304,181foundation6-jekyll-baseAn essentially empty Jekyll theme built on Foundation 6.3.1. Intended to kickstart othe...
131,8304,181skewheapThis is a skew heap algorithm for educational use.
131,8304,181iamakimmer_gamegame from prag studio
131,8304,181quantitativeQuantitative and statistical tools written for Ruby 3.2+ for trading and finance.
131,8304,181hola_swergi0A simple hello world gem
131,8304,181kpigenA command line tool for generating kpigen data based on csv inputs
131,8304,181honeybadger-local-contextAdds the local method context to Honeybadger notifications