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Most downloads over all time
131841-131860 of all 182,301 gems.
131,8304,181investec_open_apiA small wrapper client for accessing Investec's Open API
131,8304,181theiaA Ruby gem to create, compress, compare PNGs or JPEGs using Google Puppeteer/Chromium
131,8304,181my_string_extend_jeffcressmanThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,8304,181my_string_extend_rbThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,8304,181tinytokenauth-railsThis gem wants to help you with user authentication without bloating up beyond what is ...
131,8304,181drapesDrapes is a super-simple theme engine for rails.
131,8304,181argumentaSocial argument collaboration ~ A Ruby implementation of Argumenta's core library.
131,8494,180gistrbA command-line utility to manage GitHub Gists
131,8494,180easy_postA Ruby interface to the EasyPost API
131,8494,180jekyll-jsonserve json and csv files on jekyll
131,8494,180factory_generatorSimple tool for autogenerating Java Factories from text files
131,8494,180heremapsThis `ruby gem` provide the functionality to integrate with HERE Maps API, SEARCH (PLAC...
131,8494,180knife-hardwareAutomatically link the hardware data bag items to their node
131,8494,180rrunitCreates and writes runit service files
131,8494,180minitest-ccPlugin for minitest. It provides minimal information about code coverage.
131,8494,180purereact.rbCreate React apps with pure Ruby
131,8494,180rockstar-customThis gem is an updated version of the rockstar gem for the api. This adds "list...
131,8494,180rails_admin_pdfPDF functionality for rails admin
131,8494,180lionshareA Ruby interface to the Lionshare API.