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131861-131880 of all 182,301 gems.
131,8494,180hola-ldsA simple hello world gem
131,8494,180graphiti_scaffold_generatorThe graphiti gem has no support for scaffold generator. This gem fiexes the problem. Wh...
131,8494,180robadsRobads offers tools to work with robads metadata and robads.json JSON files from a giv...
131,8494,180my_string_extend_mmThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,8494,180thoughtsThoughts cosists of three parts - a library for generating static sites, a CLI for auto...
131,8494,180my_string_extend_pradeepThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,8674,179clicheIt will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine.
131,8674,179my_string_extend_chefeThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,8674,179awesome_print_carrier_wave_uploaderFormats CarrierWave::Uploader instance objects with AwesomePrint
131,8674,179swift-managerA Ruby OpenStack Swift Client to create, manage and test Object Storage based on Swift ...
131,8674,179stubberStubber allows you to truncate Strings, while preserving whole-words.
131,8674,179spree_blogA lightweight blog for Spree Stores
131,8674,179frumberFramgia's iframe and thumbnail getter
131,8674,179excelx_previewGem that extracts first 10 rows from an excelx file.Supports simple formulas.
131,8674,179git_sniffergit is a widely used version control system. with this gem, we can analysis the git rep...
131,8674,179wellwellwellJSON to XML
131,8674,179utestTesting and Mock Aids (e.g. Redis mock)
131,8674,179rack_middleware_metricsA rack based middleware that does fun/silly metrics reporting.
131,8674,179pensieveThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
131,8674,179rec-railsPlaces Rec 0.0.1 in the Rails asset pipeline.