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Most downloads over all time
135381-135400 of all 182,301 gems.
135,3794,000dropbox-api-kilgore5To deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the DropBox API.
135,3794,000kualityThis gem is used for creating test scripts for Kuali Coeus.
135,3794,000gdriveManage files stored at google drive
135,3794,000strava-ruby-cliStrava API CLI.
135,3794,000gmailishGrabs unread emails for Gmail, marks them as read, applies a given label and archives t...
135,3794,000o_stream_catcherCatches stdout and stderr for ruby blocks.
135,3794,000delugeRuby implementation of the Deluge RPC API
135,3794,000wordfreqa command-line word frequency calculator
135,3794,000consolorA set of functions for coloring string in console
135,3794,000webbusCapability-based message bus for sockets and websockets clients
135,3794,000jscookie-railsjs-cookie bundled inside a gem
135,3794,000QaDeS-qades-sequelThe Database Toolkit for Ruby
135,3794,000LOLspThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
135,3794,000docdowndocdown turns docs to runable code
135,3794,000space_frame_spineSpaceFrame for Spine is a set of Rails generators to implement ChaiOne's best practices...
135,3794,000urushiolUrushiol was born out of necessity. When we decided to migrate our reverse proxy routin...
135,3973,999trika_changelogChangelogs can be seen in admin
135,3973,999spring-jekyll-themespring theme for Jekyll.
135,3973,999lita-coin-infoA Lita handler for getting cryptocurrency info
135,3973,999nlu_toolsA Toolset for NLU evaluation