Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135401-135420 of all 182,301 gems.
135,3973,999iron-motionA RubyMotion wrapper for's REST API
135,3973,999i18n-env-configAn I18n config class that looks at the LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES, and LOCALE enviro...
135,3973,999orm_adapter-simple_record"Adds Amazon SimpleDB adapter to orm_adapter (
135,3973,999faviconGive an URL and receive a favicon image.
135,3973,999tiptip-railsGem that includes TipTip, in the Rails Asset Pipeline introduced in Rails 3.1
135,3973,999orm_adapter_rails4_fixProvides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs
135,3973,999consttime_memequalWrapper to OS-provided timing-safe memory comparison.
135,3973,999postnummerLibrary for looking up swedish zip_codes using Capable of finding all street...
135,3973,999ekidataJapanese railway station code tools.
135,3973,999fulltext_search_reduxSimple ActiveRecord full text search.
135,3973,999foo-bar-newWrite a gem description
135,4133,998guysA bunch of little guys that do useful things.
135,4133,998atmos-braintree_transparent_redirect_sliceMerb Slice that allows you to process stuff with braintree, without storing credit card...
135,4133,998passifier-railsGenerate Apple Passbook passes in Ruby
135,4133,998davisDavis is an opinionated Sinatra application generator.
135,4133,998ruby_yahoo_answers_apiGEM Integrate for Yahoo! Answers API
135,4133,998capistrano_auto_ssh_agentEnsures ssh-agent is running before deploy
135,4133,998explicit_wordsA ruby library for dealing with content that may have explicit words in it.