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Most downloads over all time
135841-135860 of all 182,419 gems.
135,8343,983new_artrails_capistranoThis gem is a viable alternative to Git deployments on production machines. Commands ar...
135,8343,983redis_json_serializerStore data by converting JSON to redis
135,8343,983thyrgrimTest gem
135,8343,983spree_myriad_optionslets the customer choose any combination of Option Values for a Product when adding to ...
135,8343,983jasmine-parserParser for Jasmine Spec Files
135,8343,983candyboxsweet flavors of candy, ready to be tasted.
135,8343,983quoQuo query objects are composable.
135,8343,983rails-hamljsClientide Haml JS templates for rails that "just work" (like they should). Why another...
135,8503,982r509-validity-crlA Validity::Writer and Validity::Checker for r509, implemented with a CRL loader backend
135,8503,982google-oauth-cliPerform Google OAuth authentication from the CLI using redirect flows. Authentication i...
135,8503,982aws_cloudformation_helperAssists with the development of custom resources for AWS CloudFormation using the Ruby ...
135,8503,982dotenv-schemaDefines schema for dotenv
135,8503,982vokeMinimal CLI
135,8503,982gpsd2jsonThis gem can be used to talk to the gps daemon
135,8503,982momentJSRails asset gems for momentJS
135,8503,982wikirangerGather information on Wiki contributions from IP ranges
135,8503,982mongoid-solrSolr integration for mongoid
135,8503,982evioSimple non-blocking IO
135,8503,982math_tasksSimple gem for some math tasks.