Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135821-135840 of all 182,301 gems.
135,8003,975draw_clouddrawcloud ========= Draw AWS CloudFormation configurations in Ruby Copyright and Lic...
135,8223,974baldowl-rack_hashed_cookie_sessionHashed cookie-based session store for Rack
135,8223,974fizzbuzzardMakes all multiples of 3 print as FIZZ, etc etc
135,8223,974mister_fairyIt is fairy. So cute.
135,8223,974rasqalEncapsulates the escape function from Rasqal
135,8223,974geetestVerifyA simple verify gem of geetest
135,8223,974cibaA Ciba get Xml gem
135,8223,974blackhacker-todoist-apiSimple ruby interface for the Todoist http API.
135,8223,974momentJSRails asset gems for momentJS
135,8223,974pod_legalAdd Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to your Diaspora pod.
135,8223,974wikirangerGather information on Wiki contributions from IP ranges
135,8223,974wisper-compatA micro library providing objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities. Both synchro...
135,8223,974wsugg_gemFirst Gem project to learn how to put a gem together and up on The main ...
135,8223,974leap_caProvides the executable leap_ca, a deamon that refills a pool of x509 client certs stor...
135,8223,974temper-controlTemperature Controller Library
135,8223,974envisoRuby wrapper for the Enviso API
135,8223,974one_of_many_validatorProvides a OneOfManyValidator for Rails validation. This allows you to validate that o...
135,8223,974logasm-jrubyIt's logasmic
135,8223,974canvas_oss-eventA little API to send logs to Syslog
135,8223,974captionParse and work with captions.