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138721-138740 of all 180,599 gems.
138,7173,701timeseriesA time series gem used by StartupStats apps
138,7173,701notepunch-git-media"This is a summary! Stop yer whining"
138,7173,701down_universeThis program needs wget and mktorrent to work correctly and is a ...
138,7173,701newyorkAdds some methods I like to use in my Sinatra apps
138,7173,701teresaParses test run output in various formats.
138,7173,701bpgThis library uses libbpg to convert JPEG images to convert them to BPG image format.
138,7173,701ahandler_palindromeLearn enough palindrome
138,7173,701bare_minimum_checksProvides a cli to run tests for the files that have been modified
138,7173,701ruby_solRubySol allows to read/write files in sol format, used by Flash Player. RubySol is...
138,7173,701canadaduane-rubydoctestRuby version of Python's doctest tool, but a bit different.
138,7173,701shrikanthWrite a longer description or delete this line.
138,7173,701sudo-gmapsmarker-railsBundles sudo.gmapsmarker and some TaskRabbit-style marker icons for use with the Rails ...
138,7173,701thai_romanizeA Thai romanization function ported from PyThaiNLP
138,7173,701qbo_buttonsRails plugin to use Intuit's Official QuickBooks Online Buttons in SVG format.
138,7173,701mayhemMayhem is a tool sowing discord amongst your textual data.
138,7173,701frasierPassphrase generator using plain text books
138,7373,700activemodel_type_symbolTypecast your active record attributes to symbols.
138,7373,700pro_monitorAn easily customizable way to monitor, aggregate, and format ActiveRecord model changes...
138,7373,700data-functions[DEPRECATED See Invokable] Treat Hashes, Arrays, Sets, and Objects as functions
138,7373,700toolfan-commandCommand line helper for