Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170401-170420 of all 182,419 gems.
170,3922,045slanger-health_checkHealth check for Slanger service
170,3922,045test-gem-luizA simple hello world gem
170,3922,045azure_mgmt_healthcare_apisOfficial Ruby client library to consume HealthcareApis
170,3922,045versionitThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,3922,045infurarbSimple wrapper around Infura's JSON-RPC API
170,3922,045rails_json_loggerRails JSON Logger that depends on the semantic logger gem
170,4072,044rubyqSimple SQL Query Builder
170,4072,044andrewau_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
170,4072,044joyy_view_toolProvides generated HTML datafor rails application
170,4072,044apollo-gridApollo Grid
170,4072,044footprintsTrack and visualise the full graph of a Rails request
170,4072,044omniauth-lightningOmniAuth strategy for Lightning Network
170,4072,044league_track_abrophyLeagueTrack is a commandline ruby gem for calculating the final score for a league give...
170,4072,044simplicardYou can use this library to write a card game.
170,4072,044kodminA ruby client of kong's admin API v2.x.
170,4072,044pokemonesA gem for encountering wild pokemon
170,4072,044jekyll_context_inspectorProvides a Jekyll tag plugin that displays lots of information from context for website...
170,4072,044lita-scorekeeperLita port of
170,4072,044tinygistA simple tool to to share gist content from and to clipboard.
170,4072,044s3-website-deployS3 Website deploy tool.