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170501-170520 of all 182,419 gems.
170,5002,038dsl_organizerDSL organizer allows to add flexible and readable dsl handlers to your project.
170,5002,038peatio-platincoinPlatincoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::A...
170,5002,038hola-keonA simple hello world gem
170,5002,038dlzdlz is a highly-opinionated bootstrapping framework for AWS landing zones. It focuses...
170,5002,038chronicle-foursquareFoursquare connectors
170,5002,038hola_negabaroA simple hello world gem
170,5002,038login_facebookThis is app for build
170,5002,038desilopers_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
170,5002,038hrr_rb_hostnameA wrapper around gethostname and sethostname for CRuby
170,5002,038rails-cache-inspectorDead simple tool for visual debugging of fragment cache.
170,5002,038search_ytThis generates files that bases its functionality on the search of YouTube videos throu...
170,5002,038words_ruby_sdkThis SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Words Cloud REST APIs in your...
170,5002,038srdjan_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
170,5142,037overhearA ListenBrainz API wrapper for Ruby
170,5142,037snippet_converterSimple command-line tool to convert Sublime Text Snippets to Visual Studio Code format
170,5142,037rbinotifyYou probably meant `gem install rb-inotify`.
170,5142,037stylet_supportVector library
170,5142,037my_test_laThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,5142,037dopRuby SDK for DragonPay Online Payment