Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170441-170460 of all 182,419 gems.
170,4402,042MathTasksHomework GeekHub
170,4402,042flatiron_envChecks computer for Flatiron environment setup
170,4402,042true_storyIdentifies discrepancies between RubyGems content and Github.
170,4402,042sevcheckA simple severity checking gem
170,4402,042zx-monadsUse Maybe to handle errors in your code
170,4402,042heftyashishA simple hello world gem - It's a test gem. Avoid Downloading it
170,4402,042tebbs_devcamp_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
170,4402,042luaapiThe Lua API runs Lua scripts. The API does this by trying to connect to a local Lua int...
170,4402,042fake_chatbotA fake chatbot core for chinese chatbot.
170,4402,042jsonrbBuild JSON from multiple Ruby sources that output a Hash or Array.
170,4402,042lazy_nameslazy_names is ruby programmer friend. You can save your time not typing long error-phon...
170,4402,042morbotronGem to wrap API
170,4542,041adkitA bundle of common marketing calculations
170,4542,041jsontestRSpec matchers and Cucumber steps for testing JSON content
170,4542,041ruby_ex_orgAttempting to build a gem
170,4542,041fluentd-plugin-kinesis-intuitFluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.
170,4542,041ex-kernelA gem that is coming soon.
170,4542,041comuneRuby Gem for Android In-App Purchase Receipt Verification