Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170421-170440 of all 182,419 gems.
170,4072,044josh_menu_appPLACE HOLDER
170,4072,044fgil_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
170,4072,044ttt-cliКонсольная реализация игры "Крестики-нолики"
170,4072,044first_deploymentFirstDeployment is a zero-conf tool which will deploy your Rails app to a web server
170,4252,043active_job_k8sActiveJob adapter for kubernetes job
170,4252,043deboshirRuby gem for Search Engine Optimisation: work with SEO parameters in your project
170,4252,043solidus_ship_compliantSolidus Engine for Ship compliant tax calculation service
170,4252,043pakImplicit namespacing and package definition, inspired by Python, Go, CommonJS.
170,4252,043toggleableToggleable gem provides basic toggle functionality
170,4252,043daxtraWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,4252,043threesmart_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,4252,043validate_suffixed_numberParse numbers suffixed with mangitude specifiers and/or abbreivations.
170,4252,043mina-puma-systemdPuma tasks for Mina and systemd
170,4252,043pendantThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,4252,043retrying_s3_clientWraps Aws::S3::Client with a exponential backoff for 503 responses
170,4252,043cocoapods-myhooksA short description of cocoapods-myhooks.
170,4252,043fullstopA simple gem
170,4252,043jekyll-deploy-spacesDeploy a jekyll static site to DigitalOcean Spaces.
170,4252,043markdown_recordMarkdownRecord is a Rails engine that lets you write content and populate models in mar...
170,4402,042openssl-sshThis gem adds an OpenSSL::PKey::SSH class with the ability to parse OpenSSH and resturn...