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Most downloads over all time
170461-170480 of all 182,419 gems.
170,4542,041dd-vaultVault is a Ruby API client for interacting with a Vault server.
170,4542,041fastlane-plugin-feishu_botA fastlane plugin to customize your automation workflow(s) with a Feishu Bot
170,4542,041minima-gutenbergA beautiful, minimal, typographically sexy theme for Jekyll.
170,4542,041jivanvl_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
170,4542,041rudbRuby implementation of database with btree and ORM mapper
170,4542,041guerrilla_mail_clientAvoid spam and stay safe with Guerrilla Mail disposable temporary email addresses. This...
170,4542,041final_redirect_urliAdd support to search through (potentially large) belongs_to associations in your Admin...
170,4542,041mtiImplemention Multiple Table Inheritance in Rails
170,4542,041pushme-awsAdd some basic feature to deal with push notifications through AWS SNS Mobile Push Noti...
170,4702,040cavendishReact Native + Expo project generator for Platanus
170,4702,040nx-timerTimer for nx.
170,4702,040active-dynamoAn ActiveRecord like ODM for AWS DynamoDB
170,4702,040scrapper_bovespaThrough scrapping and standard get/post calls we enable simple integractions with websi...
170,4702,040geo_fakerImprove your test and demo data by generating realistically distributed geo-coordinates
170,4702,040miaopay-alipayalipay unofficial sdk
170,4702,040hf.benforevaruby extensions by Benforeva
170,4702,040phlex-markdownA Markdown view for Phlex
170,4702,040trifectaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,4702,040vault-consulParse your yaml config file with consul/ vault variables
170,4702,040xsl2csvxsl2csv is a CLI tool converts XSL and XSLX to CSV