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Most downloads over all time
170481-170500 of all 182,419 gems.
170,4702,040rest-manA simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
170,4702,040swisspayEasily accept payments from different payment providers such as Stripe, Paypal, Postfin...
170,4702,040uniq_tokenGenerate a unique, random token for Active Record.
170,4702,040lita-doubler-iamarmanjonDoubles numbers - simple demo skill
170,4852,039test-gem-requirement-bugAttempts to reproduce a bug with gem requirement parsing
170,4852,039rbshardA Compression/Encyption All in one framework. No this is not sequential C/E but rather ...
170,4852,039gem_version_trainerAllows specific gems, when encountered as dependencies to have version information over...
170,4852,039game_ecsEntity Component System architecture in Ruby
170,4852,039lein_view_toolIt generates data in format HTML for rails applications.
170,4852,039amanda_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
170,4852,039learn_kitTools for machine learning with ruby
170,4852,039etiqueta_nutricionalPractica 6 de la asignatura LPP
170,4852,039timelinerTrack activities inside a Rails application
170,4852,039draw_color_repeatDraw Color Repeat is a young child programming language for drawing and coloring with r...
170,4852,039hrr_rb_domainnameA wrapper around getdomainname and setdomainname for CRuby
170,4852,039gh_gem_hw5_test_suiteA simple hello world gem
170,4852,039bayserver-docker-cgiBayServer is one of the high-speed web servers. It operates as a single-threaded, async...
170,4852,039active_record-connection_proxyProvides proxy-based connection switching logic for ActiveRecord.
170,4852,039lita-gitlab-mergerequestsA Lita plugin that help to manage GitLab merge requests, includes pending MRs reporting...
170,5002,038omniauth-duodealer-oauth2duodealer strategy for OmniAuth