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171001-171020 of all 182,433 gems.
170,9972,008jekyll-anecdoteAdd popup trivia to your posts
170,9972,008offsite_payments_przelewy24This gem extends the activemerchant offsite_payments gem providing integration of Przel...
170,9972,008mfrc522uidreadProvide uid in hexadecimal
170,9972,008techcult_view_toolGenerated HTML data for rails application
170,9972,008workarea-magento_data_importerImports Magento product data to the Workarea catalog
170,9972,008place-rubyA simple library to interface with the Place REST API. See https://developer.placepay.c...
170,9972,008rebrandly_shortnerURL shortner through Rebrandly API
170,9972,008semantic_logger_journaldPlugin for semantic_logger that adds appender to send logs into journald. It depends on...
170,9972,008primeryAn imporved version of Primer Jekyll theme
171,0112,007ruby_galthe very best responsive gallery
171,0112,007tcrypto_javaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,0112,007fry-send_tweet.rbAn extensible Twitter client living inside the Pry and Fry REPLs.
171,0112,007qliksense_connectorWrite a longer description or delete this line.
171,0112,007peelThought experiment with ORM design, inspired by Gregory Brown's Broken Record project
171,0112,007fractalsrbA gem to create fractals
171,0112,007excel_serializerThis gem allows you to easily export ruby objects to excel files by defining a serializ...
171,0112,007logstash-output-mageshlogsWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
171,0202,006fastlane-plugin-sendgridsend email with sendgrid