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178261-178280 of all 182,288 gems.
178,258716kc-sdk-companyKabob cloud client library.
178,258716logstash-input-s3-cosThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
178,258716dxrubynd2D game library for Windows(DirectX9)
178,264715dodecahedronA ruby mineral's chemical shape; run end-user machine graphical Ruby programs. Produced...
178,264715bdd_openaiWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,264715rails-bakliteBackup and restore SQLite3 databases in your Rails app.
178,264715rubocop-serviceProvides support of rubocop server, for Windows!
178,264715ninja-differA simple gem for generating string diffs
178,264715nvk-twiliotwilio p0c
178,270714jet.snowman.helloA simple hello world gem
178,270714sumaUtility for SUMA (STEP Unified Model-Based Standards Architecture)
178,270714leftpaddWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,273713jets-upgradeJets Upgrade Tool
178,273713rcryptoRCrypto provides custom encryption methods including XOR, Caesar cipher, and substituti...
178,273713ionoscloud-cert-managerUsing the Certificate Manager Service, you can conveniently provision and manage SSL ce...
178,273713cephalopodGem to connect to the Octopus Energy API
178,277712mockwsMockWS : Web services mocking utility
178,277712phlex-pdfA thin wrapper above Prawn that makes it easier to build compentized PDFs
178,277712update_tagsAutomatically update your jekyll blog's tag index pages for GitHub Pages
178,277712unisatunisat - lite helpers for full-text search in bitcoin ordinal inscriptions