Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178261-178280 of all 183,181 gems.
178,261842frostrbRuby implementations of Two-Round Threshold Schnorr Signatures with FROST.
178,262841fly-railsRails support for Fly-io
178,262841sample_logSample Log is a gem which logs the entries given by user.
178,262841my_hostnameA RubyGem to perform a pingback operation using Burp Collaborator.
178,262841emrbEasy prometheus instrumentation for Ruby applications
178,262841gotenbergA simple Ruby client for gotenberg
178,262841rabbit-slide-hasumikin-RubyWorldConference2022Presentation slide for RubyWorld Conference 2022
178,262841scenic_oracle_enhanced_adapterOracleEnhanced adapter for Scenic gem.
178,269840aperitiiifThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,269840tencent-cloud-sesTencent Cloud SES SDK
178,269840capistrano-elb-autoscalingCapistrano plugin for deploying to AWS Auto Scaling Group.
178,269840stub_gemSimple program to stub out a Ruby project how I like it
178,269840omg-activesupportA toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framew...
178,274839raix-railsRuby AI eXtensions for Rails
178,274839payment_methodsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,274839gifencThis library provides GIF encoding, decoding and editing capabilities natively with...
178,274839ccipher_boxThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,274839yabenchYet Another Benchmarking Library
178,274839filewatcher-accessAdd `access` event for Filewatcher (where it's supported).
178,280838custom_holidayA simple way to define your holiday settings