Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178901-178920 of all 182,288 gems.
178,899601apimatic_calculator_test_ruby2Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
178,899601hola_stegs-stripeA simple hello world gem
178,899601google-shopping-merchant-conversionsProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts.
178,899601freecurrencyapi-officialThe perfect tool to handle your exchange rate conversions. Our API helps you with realt...
178,899601mmshmmsh parses mmsh commands from strings
178,899601foobara-organization-generatorGenerates Foobara organizations
178,899601i18n_composerThe i18nComposer gem is a versatile toolkit designed to streamline the internationaliza...
178,908600save_to_htmlSave data to HTML
178,908600cake-testerThe lightweight, explicit testing framework for Ruby.
178,908600wampprotoSans-IO WAMP protocol implementation in Ruby
178,908600red-candlehuggingface/candle for Ruby
178,912599foobara-resque-scheduler-connector-generatorGenerates a Foobara resque_scheduler_connector
178,912599minitest-openapiAPI documentation generator based on the OpenAPI spec.
178,912599foobara-resque-connector-generatorGenerates a Foobara resque_connector
178,912599spree_payuPayU payment gateway for Spree
178,916598statizeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,916598nithin_even_gemeven numbers
178,916598crowdfunder# Crowdfunder This is a crowdfunding app built in ruby. It can be integrated into any ...
178,916598regex_formsRegex is a versatile Ruby library designed to simplify form validation by providing a c...