Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178901-178920 of all 183,164 gems.
178,897721prekinReturn true or false when you specify the day of month (by Time class, Date class, Date...
178,902720erp_toolsIncludes common helpers and constants to share across the organization.
178,902720firebase_auth_latestA gem for integrating Firebase Authentication into your Rails application..
178,902720jekyll-logger-tapTAP logger for Jekyll
178,902720null_associationDecorate nil Active Record associations with a null object in Rails.
178,902720google-apis-apim_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for API Management API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are ...
178,902720sudachi-installerdownload and store Sudachi jar and dict files
178,902720stanford-geoGeo related data for Stanford Libraries
178,909719rekkione command can count image files in view files
178,909719lim-stringerA Gem File for extending strings functionality
178,909719trustcaptcha-rubyThis gem provides integration with Trustcaptcha for Ruby applications, offering CAPTCHA...
178,912718mouha_palindromeLearn enough Ruby palindrome detector
178,912718words-to-numbersExtract numbers from words in text
178,912718jekyll-imagemagick-sutermservImage generator for Jekyll 3 websites that automatically convert images from one format...
178,915717yard2rbsConvert YARD documentation into RBS files
178,915717bugscriberBugscriber is an open source error monitoring and reporting software for Ruby on Rails
178,917716localio-mAutomatic Localizable file generation for multiple platforms (Rails YAML, Android, Java...
178,917716jekyll-kroki-tagtext-to-diagram power to Jekyll with
178,917716devdevThis gem provides the tools to run and document the steps required to set up the develo...
178,920715party_poopA gem that returns an array of the words party and poop