Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178941-178960 of all 182,288 gems.
178,936595apimatic_calculator_test_rubySimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
178,936595orange_money_webpayRuby client to process mobile payment with Orange Money webpay API.
178,943594embulk-input-jdbc_debugSelects records from a table.
178,943594health-calc-packGem with health operations like IMC and macronutrients.
178,943594opentelemetry-metrics-sdkA stats collection and distributed tracing framework
178,943594atome-opal-browserBrowser support for Opal.
178,943594facetqfacetq - "stand-alone" facet (activerecord) models for easy (re)use for sql database qu...
178,943594raikar10Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
178,949593mlirWrapper for LLVM MLIR
178,949593gps_unit_conversionConverts longitude and latitude minutes/decimals values
178,951592middleman-fontsGenerates WOFFs from TTFs and fonts.css
178,951592firebaseimageuploadThis gem is a simple gem to upload images to Firebase.
178,953591safe_queryHelps developers avoid unsafe queries in ActiveRecord. This gem will raise an error ...
178,953591connect_four_ab-akhConnect Four - 1 or 2 players
178,953591Nokogiri_precompiled_aarch64_dedshitNokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby. It provide...
178,956590quickfix_formatterFormat rspec output for vim quickfix consumption
178,956590calore_produceCal-Ore Produce Ruby Gem
178,956590vscode_at_sourceOpen VSCode at the source location of a method
178,959589promptsInspired by the Laravel Prompts project
178,959589aria_progress_barSimple progress bar for Ruby