Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178961-178980 of all 182,288 gems.
178,959589airflowWorkflow orchestration
178,959589cristianoCLI tool to celebrate the G.O.A.T.
178,959589rails_turbo_flashFlash message injection for Ruby on Rails Turbo Stream responses
178,959589emailfuseRuby library for the Emailfuse API including an Rails Action Mailer adapter
178,965588underscorejs-rbRails gem for easy underscore js (1.12.0) integration. See fo...
178,965588parity_prop_mA gem to partition on array of integers based on parity
178,965588fastlane-plugin-cordova_android11Cordova plugin for Fastlane with support for cordova-android-11
178,965588hello_world_avishekThis gem prints Hello World!
178,965588google-cloud-app_hubgoogle-cloud-app_hub is the official client library for the App Hub API.
178,965588shikimori-apiRuby toolkit for working with the Shikimori API
178,965588capistrano-zeitwerk_checkRun `bin/rails zeitwerk:check` before deployment
178,973587alertifiiApi (and CLI) to interface with
178,973587hello_folksHello folks gem.
178,973587calculatorextTrying to raise the conflict
178,973587mosquito-scrapeA gem to scrape a Nitter instance for Twitter data
178,977586collectionspace-refcacheA caching system for CollectionSpace refnames.
178,977586active_shrineWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,977586gemtrickA simple hello world gem
178,977586ribsumRibsum is a lightweight Ruby gems library to generate Lorem Ipsum text. You can directl...