Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178981-179000 of all 182,288 gems.
178,977586fluent-plugin-openlineage-lightFluentd parser that validates if JSON is a valid Openlineage event.
178,977586payassistRuby Client of Payassist API
178,983585fluent-plugin-json-by-nameFluentd filter plugin to reshape json
178,983585brew-github-private-download-strategyWhenever you want to create a homebrew package for a private repository, you have to cr...
178,983585active_record_polylinehandle Polyline object on ActiveRecord
178,983585huginn_ntfy_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,983585generate-object-propertyPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
178,983585irbrIRB Recorder - save IRB commands to a file you specify on the command line
178,983585calculatorext2Trying to raise the conflict
178,983585execgemCreating ab executable gym, nothing much!
178,983585wx_miniprogramwechat mini-program api client
178,993584activeintegrationBuild API SDKs that work using Rails-like syntax
178,993584rocketmq-client-rubyA Ruby FFI binding to librocketmq-client-cpp.
178,993584td-ameritrade-apiGem for authenticating with TD Ameritrade and some patterns for executing trades
178,996583stabilityRuby SDK for the Stability Platform API
178,996583active_admin_mobileWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
178,996583communifyCommunication mediator
178,996583fastlane-plugin-firebase_test_lab_integrationRun Android/iOS integration tests on Firebase Test Lab
178,996583FelBindBinds C libs to mruby