Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179001-179020 of all 182,288 gems.
178,996583enigma_rubyThis gem allows you to simulate the encryption process of the Enigma machine.
178,996583easycacheA simple gem for store and manage data in mem
178,996583kramdown-converter-indesignKramdown::Converter::Indesign converts a Kramdown/Markdown document to InDesign's ICML ...
178,996583mysearchSearch for different values on application
179,005582dashpanel[pending] second-gen Rails and non-Rails modular dashboards.
179,005582mini_astA tiny abstract syntax tree consisting of only calls and literals.
179,005582boa-configA configuration library inspired by spf13/viper.
179,005582my_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
179,005582openapi_openaiThe OpenAI REST API. Please see for more...
179,005582atohAny Array to one Hash
179,005582enumlingoEnumlingo is a lightweight Ruby gem designed to enhance Rails applications by offering ...
179,005582hearthsideAn Indieweb/Fediverse blog generator
179,014581age_calcsLike this gem created for calculating age by given date of birth.
179,014581majesticmonolithCLI used to create Rails monoliths by Rocketship for quickly building SaaS applications.
179,014581bell_pepperbell_pepper is a low-level wrapper around the BELS API.
179,014581overseeLightweight admin dashboard for Rails
179,014581applover_jwtA simple jwt gem
179,014581lesli_securityPrivileges & Access Management for the Lesli Framework.
179,014581specimenCreate maintainable automated tests using Rails-like COC approach