Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179021-179040 of all 182,288 gems.
179,014581confusion_matrixA confusion matrix is used in data-mining as a summary of the performance of a classifi...
179,014581docs-gem01A beautiful, docs-gem01 theme for Jekyll.
179,014581mail-smtp_poolMail extension for sending using an SMTP connection pool
179,024580katagenGenerate a folder for a question to put all practice records for better reviewing
179,024580actioninsightActionInsight is a robust analysis and error management package tailored for the Ruby o...
179,024580pagiii-apiGem for interract with pagiii API
179,024580xtract-sdkSDK to connect with Xtract's API
179,024580jpg_or_webpUseragent sniffing tool to choose the more appropriate image format between JPEG and WebP.
179,024580sql-parser-tlA Racc-based Ruby parser for SQL statements; forked from
179,030579discord-messengerA lightweight wrapper for sending Discord messages in Ruby
179,030579simply_the_tenantA simple multi-tenant solution for Rails.
179,030579activerecord_liquid_dropsAdds support for creating liquid language drop classes for ActiveRecord models and assi...
179,033578keywords_everywhereClient library for KeywordsEverywhere
179,033578ouichef-sousMy lil helper
179,033578statelydbA library for interacting with StatelyDB
179,033578raixRuby AI eXtensions
179,033578google-cloud-api_hub-v1API hub lets you consolidate and organize information about all of the APIs of interest...
179,033578dependaboatCreate GitHub Issues and GitHub Project Items from Dependabot alerts
179,033578activecypherOpenCypher Adapter ala ActiveRecord
179,033578studio-game-by-zsoloA simple command line game created as a guided project for the Pragmatic Studio Ruby co...