Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179041-179060 of all 182,288 gems.
179,033578i18n_unoi18n Uno is simple CLI tool that will completly translate your application to any desir...
179,042577mtn_open_apiA Ruby gem for interacting with MTN Open API.
179,042577ractor_mgra job queue and monitor for Ractors
179,042577text_chartGenerate text-based charts.
179,046576active_interfaceProvide OOP Interfaces for ruby
179,046576fluent-plugin-ecs-metadata-filter-v2Filter plugin to add AWS ECS metadata to fluentd events
179,046576icspAn interactive CryptoPro CSP shell that tries to imitate its GUI counterpart on the Win...
179,046576minty-railsRuby toolkit for Minty API
179,046576dyn-taskDynamic tasks system.
179,052575veeamA Ruby wrapper for the Veeam backup Portal REST APIs (readonly)
179,052575opendevsecops-jekyllAn extension of just-the-docs theme for the open-devsecops curriculumn.
179,052575red-black-treeRed-Black Tree Data Structure for Ruby
179,052575huginn_switchbot_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,057574cyrus_gssapi_ldapThis is a placeholder package. Please reach out for removal.
179,057574rcmdrrcmdr a Ruby gem that uses a RESTful approach to managing and interpreting commands...
179,057574vagrant-hostmanager-rethincA Vagrant plugin that manages the /etc/hosts file within a multi-machine environment
179,057574openai-cliCommand line tool to interact with OpenAI APIs. Aims to be ergonomic and rely on GNU to...