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179061-179080 of all 182,301 gems.
179,059576domain_engineProvides a rails generator for Bonusly domain engines
179,059576icspAn interactive CryptoPro CSP shell that tries to imitate its GUI counterpart on the Win...
179,059576minty-railsRuby toolkit for Minty API
179,064575cyrus_gssapi_ldapThis is a placeholder package. Please reach out for removal.
179,064575vagrant-hostmanager-rethincA Vagrant plugin that manages the /etc/hosts file within a multi-machine environment
179,064575lego_spike_ordersLego spike orders: Description of LegoSpikeOrders.
179,064575google-cloud-secret_manager-v1beta2Secret Manager Overview. Note that google-cloud-secret_manager-v1beta2 is a version-spe...
179,064575huginn_switchbot_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,064575lexer[WIP] A lexer which allows full customization of token types and lexing
179,064575winftExtends Ruby's Time class for parsing Windows FILETIME formats
179,071574rcmdrrcmdr a Ruby gem that uses a RESTful approach to managing and interpreting commands...
179,071574openai-cliCommand line tool to interact with OpenAI APIs. Aims to be ergonomic and rely on GNU to...
179,071574core_auditGem para integração com o serviço de auditória CoreAudit.
179,071574spec_ref_libA rspec library
179,071574stoplight-sentrySentry notifier for Stoplight
179,071574sanchoGithub Pages Generator
179,071574dnfConvert any boolean expression to disjunctive normal form (DNF).
179,071574blog777Description of AppComponent
179,071574jekyll-simple-blueSimple blue is a theme I'm currently working on for my own blog. Feel free to use it as...
179,080573iwwA helpful ruby library to do union division lookups by job, number, or description.