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179081-179100 of all 182,301 gems.
179,080573nine_to_fiveRestricts your Rails app to only provide requests during business hours using a Rack mi...
179,080573ZOHOCRMSDK5_0An API client for CRM customers, with which they can call ZOHO CRM APIs with ease
179,080573salary_tax_calculatorWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,085572pastvuA Ruby wrapper for PastVu API
179,085572apimatic-calculator-test-sdk-sdkThis is a sample calculator SDK.
179,085572bofaThe one-two punch of * and *.
179,085572HolaBenkisA simple hello world gem made by benkis
179,089571fastlane-plugin-testlaneTesting fastlane
179,089571suirensuiren is a command that displays the contents of http requests.
179,089571phlex-compilerA compiler for Phlex
179,089571parity-slavkisExample ruby gem
179,089571labyrinthsFiddling with computer-generated mazes in Ruby.
179,089571logseqLogseq client
179,095570bonjour_casperHello world gem in French
179,095570usual_suspectGem that tracks suspicious activity within your user model.
179,095570custom_arrayNew data type like Array
179,095570num4regananumerical solution for regression analysis.
179,095570direct-deposit-statusThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,095570seller_ledger-rubyRuby wrapper for interacting with the Seller Ledger API