Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179501-179520 of all 182,301 gems.
179,493522dumpsGem dumps
179,493522form_input_fieldA gem for Ruby on Rails which wraps up functionality of maintaining values for forms to...
179,493522shopify-default_variantDetermine if the given Shopify product only has a default variant, or if the given vari...
179,504521actionkitAdd an actionkit text column to your model and use all ActionKit features.
179,504521rubistratorAdmin site for Rails apps
179,504521ralph_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
179,504521veggiesA gem that provides nutritional information about some vegetables. Note that this is mo...
179,504521tweakableA module that allows the tweaking of Ruby classes
179,504521notion-modelA ruby gem that allows you to read, write, and update Notion databases and pages like A...
179,504521ruby-gemnasium-gitlab-servicePlaceholder by RubyGems security team
179,504521net-imap-multiappendAdd IMAP MULTIAPPEND functionality to the net-imap gem
179,504521rabbit-slide-kou-davis-2023Apache Arrow、Red Arrow、Red Data Toolsという観点からRubyにおけるデータ処理の現状を説明します。
179,514520didxResolve, create & manage Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)
179,514520trxTRON HTTP API client
179,514520social_media_posting_gemA gem for posting content to Facebook and Instagram
179,514520activerecord-immudb-adapterActiveRecord connection adapter for Immudb.
179,514520moshigemMy first moshi gem
179,514520hola_ketandarjiA simple hello world gem
179,514520beaker-qa-i18nFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool